Fund Management
We structure and actively manage individual properties and portfolios for institutional investors on the basis of a comprehensive investment concept that we develop exclusively for the corresponding fund and the investment targets of the respective investor.
The aim is the active management of properties across their whole lifecycle. Fidentia has appointed a major Luxemburg based authorized Alternative Investment Fund Manager, who is licensed and regulated by the CSSF in Luxembourg in accordance with the provisions of the Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD). It allows us to offer our institutional investors the entire range of relevant investment vehicles from segregated accounts to private equity funds. Our experience in structuring real estate investment products ensures an investment structure that is optimally tailored to the needs of the investor and the requirements of the respective property.
Green Buildings – from grey to green...
Real estate has a huge impact on the environment but it’s also a huge opportunity: buildings generate 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions; thus improving the energy efficiency is very rewarding.
We strongly believe there is economic value in sustainability and Green Building certification.
Since 2007 Fidentia has structured and has been managing segregated accounts for family offices. These accounts have been investing in sustainable commercial real estate assets.
In 2009 Fidentia launched Fidentia Green Buildings. It was the first independent real estate private equity fund in Belgium to invest solely in certified green office buildings. Its mission was making investing for sustainability easier. Since then, Fidentia is considered as a pioneer in this value added investment strategy: from grey to green …
In 2016 Fidentia launched Fidentia BeLux Investments (“FBLI”) which is a real estate private equity fund pursuing a SRI value add strategy. FBLI seeks investment opportunities in Belgium and Luxembourg to recapitalize, retrofit and reposition office properties underperforming due to technological obsolescence and in need of physical improvements. The strategy is to increase the energy efficiency and to lower the operating costs of the acquired properties. Green buildings strengthen the image of the tenants by showing their social responsibility.